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Irene F. Cimerman
Speech & language pathologist with specialization in therapy and audiology. Experienced in providing orientation to parents with children who present Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities. Active participant in groups for study of the Auditory Processing Disorder spectrum. Past experience at the neurological rehabilitation center of one of the most important hospitals in São Paulo (Hospital das Clínicas).


Marisa Maino
Speech & Language pathologist. Responsible for the service of Speech & Language prevention and stimulation programs at several schools. Coordinates seminars for teacher’s orientation in the “reading and writing process” for young children. Co-author of most of the forms used at the clinic to establish the relationship between oral motor therapy, feeding and speech development.


Maria Vitória do Amaral

Bilingual speech & language pathologist (Portuguese and English) graduated at Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP), has experience with learning disorders, speech delay, stuttering and speech sound disorders.
Researcher at FAPESP for 4 years, has presented papers at the International Congress of the American Speech-Hearing and Language Association in Boston (2018) and Orlando (2019) - USA, and also participated in a book chapter writing, “COVID-19 Pandemic, Mental Health and Neuroscience - The New Scenarios for Understanding and Treatment”, edited by Ph. D. Sara Palermo, IntechOpen, 2022.
Participates in a volunteer program from FMUSP, Extensão Médica Acadêmica (EMA), which offers medical, nutritional, physical therapy and speech therapy care for a vulnerable population.
Currently taking a specialization course in Children's Language.


Anamy Vizeu dos Santos

Bilingual speech & language pathologist (Portuguese / English) with a graduate degree from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Specialist on Language/Communication. She was the president of the
Conselho Regional de Fonoaudiologia da 2ª Região (CRFa – SP) in 2002. She worked as a reviewer of the scientific journal Revista Científica Cefac from 2010 to 2017. She gave lectures in schools to orientate teachers and apply screening tests on students. Her professional experience includes working with children with auditory
processing disorders, as well as speech and language disorders.
Currently, she is also the secretary-director of the CRFa – SP.

Mayra Misugi
CRFa 2-23149
Speech & Language pathologist graduated at Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP), has experience with developmental language disorder, speech delay, speech sound disorders and assessment of central auditory processing. Currently  pursuing a Master's degree in Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP). Has works presented at national and international conferences, such as the ASHA Convention.


Midori Hanayama
CRFa 2 - 3822

 Speech-Language Pathologist graduated from the University of São Paulo, with fellowship at Kyoto University, Japan, and a master of Science from the University of São Paulo. Clinical practice in cases of speech, voice, reading and writing, oral motor skills, and language. Professor in the specialization courses of CEFAC – Health and Education. Conducts courses throughout Latin America, Portugal, Spain, and some African countries. Has written articles and book chapters in national and international publications. Educational consultant in Speech-Language Pathology for Operation Smile International from 2021 to 2022. Volunteer Speech-Language Pathologist for Operation Smile International and Operation Smile Brazil since 2006. Certified in neurocoaching for personal and professional development by the Neuroleadership Institute Brazil. Therapies in: Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Japanese. 


Sonia Salama 

Bilingual speech & language pathologist in English & Portuguese. Her initial schooling was done at St. Paul’s School, a bilingual English school in São Paulo. Her professional activities include: Participation in research projects in psycholinguistics; frequent guest speaker before teachers, speech & language pathologists, parents and professionals in related areas; presentation of articles and panel conferences with participation in round tables at Congresses in the field of Child Development, Orthodontics, Linguistics and Neuropsychology. Certified Hanen specialist in the Program for early childhood educators and child care providers. Certified ELP -1 in the Program “Enhancement of Learning Potential”. Frequent visitor of other foreign institutions. Interchange with the Kendall Speech & Language Center in Miami. Participates in the “Social Thinking Providers” group, USA, since June 2012. Responsible for the language area with a column on the website for information for families about upbringing of children. International affiliate of ASHA- American Speech-Language –Hearing-Association and IDA- International Dyslexia Association. Sonia holds a Masters degree in applied linguistics, and she has been a university professor for 12 years at the Catholic University of São Paulo and Campinas, where she taught graduate students in psycholinguistics and language acquisition and evaluation of young children.

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